YouTuber Minkks has put together another song made from Minecraft sound effects, using sheep, skeletons and…
I love anime music and it is one of the main things I look forward to each new anime season. And as we have 60 new…
While growing up, I, of course, knew the Mario and Sonic themes, but it wasn’t until I first played Final Fantasy VI…
There's Donkey Kong in this video. Zaxxon. Kuribo's shoe. And is that a Castlevania reference? Check out bay area…
Forget "Gangnam Style." Forget "Bar Bar Bar." 2014 could be the year that we all start dancing to "Ear Attack."
Transistor came out today, and it's pretty great. But you know what's even better? An original soundtrack posted in…
The Epic Rap Battles generally present me with a simple choice — Mozart Vs. Skrillex, Bob Ross Vs. Pablo Picasso…
Developed by the music game masters at Harmonix and SuperVillain Studios, Record Run takes the music on your iDevice…
Every Saturday, Scott Bradlee and his slow jam crew deliver a sexy slow jam version of a classic cartoon theme. This…
Permaband is a band made up of members of EVE Online's development team. This clip for a song of theirs is a lot…
First DuckTales, now Rescue Rangers. At the rate Scott Bradlee and company are transforming classic cartoon themes…
We still have to wait a few more weeks to play Mario Kart 8, but here's something to help tide us all over until the…
This remix of the Titanfall menu music does a good job working with some music that's already pretty great (it takes…
You expect to hear shouting, gasps and trash talk during a fighting game competition. But violins, viola and cello?…
Artist Dominick Rabrun gives us a glimpse in his video what a post-apocalyptic JRPG with hip hop artists such as…
Then you'd get FRACT OSC, a haunting exploration puzzle game where the entire world is a fully functional KORG-style…
If you're a scifi nerd, chances are you've dreamed of living inside a computer — those memories of Tron, ReBoot and…
Super Wine Glass: listen to this neat rendition of the Super Mario Bros. theme song, played on a ton of wine glasses and a frying pan. (Via Dan Newbie)
The soundtrack to Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is a lot like the game — totally insane, sometimes stupid but…
Crayon Pop, the popular South Korean idol group, was banned from broadcasting its latest track on one of South…