Video game social network and stat tracking service Raptr has announced the winners of its 2011 Most Played Games…
YouTube user AmazingFilms247 keeps posting ridiculous Modern Warfare 3 (and Modern Warfare 2) multiplayer videos…
OK, so that first Jonah Hill x Sam Worthington Call of Duty ad was...OK. A little cheesy, a little much, but OK.…
This is Modern Warfare breaking another law of physics. Keep your eye on the care package as it drops from the…
This is a letter from the Call of Duty modern warfront by a gamer named Woody to his lady back home, Jackie. Plus,…
Gun effects, soundbytes and a healthy dose of dubstep. Oh, and Call of Duty. By all accounts this clip should be…
Grain-of-salt territory here, but rumors have it that Modern Warfare 3's first set of premium downloadable content…
This is as close to an official LEGO interpretation of Activision's tentpole franchise as we're gonna get, I…
The Taiwanese news animators at NMA take on the newest Elder Scrolls game with a news report that covers Skyrim's…
WARNING: This post contains mild Modern Warfare 3 spoilers.
Last night we were sent the clip of the insane bank-shot knife kill you see above, courtesy of the unwitting…
Robert Bowling done tole you now son, so don't sit there and act all surprised-like. Yesterday Bowling, the Infinity…
You can thank/blame marketing and a Michael Bay-on-steroids storyline all you want, but there's a reason people come…
Like its predecessor, Black Ops, don't assume that because Modern Warfare 3 is a game starring explosions and ruined…
Among many of those who like to label themselves as a "gamer", there is no franchise more reviled than Call of Duty.…
Described in a police report as plotting to blow up a Best Buy and murder its employees because they didn't have his…
In today's 75 percent accurate edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter BattleMoose87 wonders if we aren't giving…
If there's one thing I've learned in my years as a video game consumer, it's that terrorists threats don't speed up…
On Monday night I attended a Modern Warfare 3 launch party at a national video game retailer. I was particularly…
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 wants you. It wants your friends. It wants to chew you and spit you out a walking,…