Based on the optional dungeon in Final Fantasy III where the game’s most robust equipment can be found, the…
The release of new player housing in Final Fantasy XIV has traditionally meant a mad dash for sparse land followed…
The Rise of a New Sun update hit Final Fantasy XIV this week, and for the umpteenth time since the launch of the…
Perhaps sensing that I was only two levels away from 120, mobile MMO Lineage 2: Revolution’s latest update ups the level cap from 120 to 180, adding several new quest areas, new high level dungeons and a shiny new metal beetle mount that I will never get. Thanks, jerks.
Two years after it launched in 2011, fantasy MMORPG Rift went free-to-play. Now developer Trion Worlds is bringing…
Final Fantasy XIV’s Rise of a New Sun update arrives on January 30, bringing with it one of the series’ most infamous villains—Ghost Train! Stay tuned until the very end of the trailer for a special appearance by some clown.
As promised at Blizzcon 2017, today’s massive 7.3.5 update for World of Warcraft implements the level scaling…
New story quests, side missions, dungeons and raids are always nice, but the coolest changes coming in January’s…
Lineage 2: Revolution, the mobile MMO that almost plays itself, has picked up a substantial number of players since…
Today Daybreak Studios launched Ring of Scale, the 24th expansion for EverQuest. Holy hell, 24 expansions. This one adds six zones and ups the game’s level cap to 110. Look at the trailer. That shit right there used to be my life.
A couple of weeks back, Square Enix finally gave Final Fantasy XIV Bards the ability to play real music. Now YouTube…
A couple of weeks back I wrote about Lineage 2: Revolution, a mobile MMORPG that can be played mostly on autopilot.…
During today’s Blizzcon 2017 keynote, Blizzard announced Battle for Azeroth, the seventh expansion pack for World of…
Last night Blizzard brought the banhammer down on botters and scripters in World of Warcraft, passing out six- to…
Today’s 4.1 update to Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood introduced new player housing in the scenic, Far Eastern-themed…
Final Fantasy XIV gets its biggest update since the Stormblood expansion tomorrow, with the launch of patch 4.1,…
Guild Wars 2's second expansion, Path of Fire, launches this Friday, taking players to the Crystal Desert and the…
A new Netflix show about a kid playing the MMO Final Fantasy XIV with his out-of-touch dad totally nails the freaky…
This is it. After fleeing from their home world thousands, hundreds or dozens of years ago (depending on lore…
How do you practice consent in an online role-playing game? Game designer Raph Koster published a fascinating blog post yesterday about how players in MMOs now have tons of agency over their characters’ actions (“/bite”), but others can’t control what is done to them (have you ever seen “/accept”?).