Last week, we mentioned Keith Stuart's meditation on whether or not reviewers really get innovation; since then,…
Last month we posted a fan-made image of Mirror's Edge protagonist Faith. There are obvious physical differences…
Yet another nice piece from the Guardian; Keith Stuart takes up the issue of innovation and whether or not…
The reason for DICE delaying the PC release of Mirror's Edge may be a little clearer. DICE are retooling the PC…
Mirror's Edge 2D should be pretty self-explanatory. Despite dropping a D, the Flash-based sidescrolling experience…
Mirror's Edge is a first person action-adventure game that features French free-running art parkour as the primary…
Two nuggets of Mirror's Edge news fresh from the courier's satchel - the PC version of the free running game will be…
Gamasutra's Chris Remo has a nice interview up with Mirror's Edge producer Nick Cannon on the design ethos and…
Electronic Arts is giving Mirror's Edge viral marketing the old college try, with "wanted" posters for the game's…
Do games actually go gold anymore? I mean, as in actually make a proper gold CD/DVD that gets couriered to an actual…
Mirror's Edge may have shooting, but it's not shooting game. Main character Faith is agile, but fragile and…
There are tons of big games coming out. (There always are!) Gears of War 2 designer Dude "Cliff Bleszinski" Huge…
Earlier this month Kotaku posted a pair of images of the lovely Faith from Mirror's Edge. One was the official…
Looks like that rumored Mirror's Edge demo will be hitting the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 earlier than we thought.…
GameStop are taking preorders for Mirror's Edge. Surprise! Well, it is a surprise, actually, since at the foot of…
You have to admire the confidence of a developer who blithely announces two sequels to a new game before the first…
That's Faith, lead character of first-person-parkour game Mirror's Edge. The game is designed by Swedish dev…
DICE are extremely pleased with the theme song to their upcoming free-action running delivering shooting things…
After a long day of covering Nintendo Media Summit, an evening of cocktails and Mirror’s Edge Time Trial was just…
Nothing fancy here for Mirror's Edge and its inevitable collector's edition. No tin boxes, no action figures, no…