A few days ago, on the r/minecraft subreddit, redditor Spelunkding shared pictures of what they called a "chunk…
There are ambitious Minecraft mods, then there's the kind that tries to turn Mojang's game into one of the best (and…
You know how in some video games, like Minecraft, characters have blocky heads? And, in turn, block hairdos? Well,…
Thirty thousand kilometers. That's how far JL2579 has to travel to get to the edge of Minecraft--more than twice the…
Earlier this month, fans of British electronic musician Aphex Twin got a treat, with an entire album's worth of…
Wizards of the Coast enlisted the creative minds behind Minecraft, Plants vs. Zombies, World of Warcraft and more…
About a year ago, an indie sandbox space sim named Xeno Galaxies tried to gather some development money for itself.…
Paper plates (I think) used to create a giant Minecraft monster (the resident experts in my home couldn't decide if it was a zombie or creeper). Read more
I've been beating this drum for a while: it makes no sense to me that Minecraft is on every game-playing platform…
Two giants, Sims and Minecraft combined? Oh the possibilities... The creator of this fan-art, LockRikard, really found the balance in his crossover. Read more
Yesterday, Mojang posted an update on their blog answering some questions about what Minecraft server owners are…
Two weeks ago, Minecraft players were preparing for the death of Minecraft. A Mojang employee had pointed out a line…
Remember those creepy human anatomy dolls from science class? The ones with the removable organs? Mojang and Jinx…
There's a PlayStation mural outside of E3. It features PS mainstays in boats, a parody of this George Washington…
Different console. Same sad story. Two lonely kiosks. So sad. :(
Sony's spot on the E3 show floor is mostly bustling with activity—people playing games, posing for photos with…
Technically his first commercial game since Minecraft took the world by storm, Markus "Notch" Persson's Cliffhorse…
Recreating Sin—the whale-like gargantuan final boss of Final Fantasy X—in Minecraft was probably a bit harder than…
Sethbling makes some crazy things in Minecraft, but I never would've thought something like this was possible. With…