The ‘Shadow of Skyrim’ mod revives the best part of Monolith’s LotR action games
After trying multiple times since 2015, WB Games has successfully secured a patent on the nemesis system featured in…
Middle Earth: Shadow of War, a game whose loot box system helped spark 2017's backlash against the practice, is…
Five of my orcs died in Shadow of War yesterday. I callously dropped them, one by one, into the game’s new online…
The original Super Mario Bros., which was a pretty well-liked video game, didn’t tell players the button commands…
I’ve been playing a lot of Shadow of War lately, and like in Shadow of Mordor before it, Gollum just goes through…
Twitch has introduced loot crates for Halloween which offer temporary emotes. The crates offer random rewards, as…
Today on Highlight Reel we have stunt jumps, Splatoon 2 plays, Evil Within 2 scares and much more!
The influx of randomized loot boxes into games like Shadow of War and Star Wars Battlefront II has kicked off a…
Shadow of War’s huge orc variety is one of the most impressive things about the game. In my dozens and dozens of…
Shadow of War is a massive game, and jumping into it can feel daunting. Here’s what you need to know to build a…
When Shadow of Mordor released in 2014, its “nemesis system” was brilliant enough that many people hoped it would…
Ever since reviews of Shadow of War hit, talk of loot boxes and microtransactions have been heavy with panic and…
Hoping to play noted orc dating/shaming simulator Shadow of War on PC when it launches early tomorrow? You’ll…
Forget the nemesis system, loot boxes, or the well of charisma that is Talion of Middle-Earth, the element of the new…
Following concerns from fans, Monolith Productions will offer the commemorative Forthog Orc-Slayer to all Shadow of War players for free. A donation will be made to Michael Forgey’s family in lieu of profits from sales.
Last week’s feel-good news that Shadow Of War developer Monolith is commemorating the game’s late executive…
On March 3rd, Monolith executive producer Michael Forgey died of cancer. The staff at Monolith announced yesterday…
Middle-earth: Shadow of War, the sequel to surprise 2014 hit Shadow of Mordor, will come stuffed with loot boxes and…
Do you really hate your Shadow of Mordor nemesis and wish you could kick their ass again? The newly launched Nemesis…