Video games have so many iconic sound effects—hearing the simple "ga-ling!" of the Nintendo coin can invoke a…
On Sept. 11, 2001, the world changed forever. Al-Qaeda, the organization Osama bin Laden created, carried out…
Soaking up the adoration of the masses at a Tokyo Game Show stage presentation over the weekend, Metal Gear creator…
Konami's TGS booth in 2011 is boring. So boring, in fact, it's not even worth a gallery. But there's someting tucked…
Earlier this year, pin-up Minako Komukai was on the run from Johnny Law. She stood accused of purchasing drugs from…
The latest batch of screens showing off the nicely polished Metal Gear Solid HD Collection seem to have a puzzling…
Graphics aren't everything. They are important, but the gameplay, and sometimes the story, are more important. That…
Hideo Kojima, creator of Metal Gear Solid, is working on something. And it's powered by a new game engine, which…
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 3D has a new feature: "Photo camouflage". Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima tested it…
This is Brandon. He just won "Best In Show" at Konami's cosplay competition for his take on Snake from Metal Gear…
"Snake? SNAAAKE?! It's your roll." You too can make this ill-conceived attempt at a joke with the forthcoming Metal…
The original Metal Gear may have been most famous on the Nintendo Entertainment System, but that's not the platform…
Some people are known for their hairdos. Others are known for their wit. Rina Akiyama was known for her round butt.…
At Konami's pre-E3 event this evening, Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima said the series' next entry, Metal Gear…
Microsoft and video games are a bit of a running joke in Japan these days. After a decade of trying (and failing)…
Soon you can wear your love of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker on your sleeve, thanks to Konami and Musterbrand's new…
You probably know who Hideo Kojima is. He makes Metal Gear Solid. But is he famous? Probably, but that doesn't mean…
Starting April 1, 2011, Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima will be a Vice President and Corporate Officer at…
Noted for her detailed and highly realistic cosplay, Omi Gibson is a regular at events like the Tokyo Game Show.…
Are Mega Man's battle chips the same thing as a rapper's weed and alcohol? Houston-area rapper A.D.D. talks about…