When the Metal Gear movie is done - if it's ever done - it'll be 17 hours long, 16 of which will be people talking…
Want to know how an open-world design is going to change the stealth in the next Metal Gear Solid game? Feast your…
Kojima Productions held an open house of its new, Los Angeles-based studio yesterday evening, and kicked things off…
Following the first live demonstration of Metal Gear Solid 5 at the company's new Los Angeles-based studio, Kojima…
All-star game designer Hideo Kojima turned 50 on Saturday, so consider this a belated happy birthday to the Metal…
Today on Twitter, Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima uploaded photos of himself wearing a motion capture suit and…
I enjoyed Lore's rundown of Metal Gear Solid 4 Lore in a Minute. So I also enjoyed this breakdown of the origin of…
These "Lore in a Minute" videos are always fun, but lately they've been mostly for games that don't have all that…
Need one more reason to get excited about Pacific Rim? How about the fact there's a poster for the movie that was…
Not all music can survive the a cappella treatment, let alone the "Geekapella" treatment. Goofy dudes (Max and Sam)…
Hong Kong based collectible maker ThreeA previously released a jumbo-sized Metal Gear REX figure. And now? Now, it…
This video gives us a glimpse into Metal Gear Rising: Revengance's latest DLC pack, which stars the cuddly and…
The MSX might be gone, but its fans still live on. And a group of them in South Korea decided to launch their own…
I've seen some fantastic Metal Gear cosplay in my time, but boy, I've never seen something that, from head to toe,…
Konami has announced that Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance will be getting its third piece of DLC in Japan on May 9. The DLC will feature a new campaign where you control LQ-84i, AKA the Bladewolf.
We often look back fondly on the games of yesterday, especially when it comes to the purity of their design. In the…
As rumored a few days ago, a new pack of Metal Gear Solid games is coming to PS3 this June. Not to be confused with…
It’s time to talk about cherry blossoms. And how they relate to downloadable content.
I'm not the world's biggest Metal Gear fan, but I can definitely appreciate a good action figure, especially one…
You may previously have thought this was the most boring thing in Metal Gear history. A ladder that seemingly goes…