Forget Metal Gear. This is the ultimate weapon.
Phew. Is it, uh, is it getting a little hot in here?
Today on Highlight Reel we have a whole load of Metal Gear, good Fulton extractions, head bobbin’, Mad Max cars, and…
Metal Gear Solid V is a stellar game, with top-notch stealth action and a malleable world that leads to all sorts of…
When you finish a mission in The Phantom Pain, the game dishes out a letter grade, based on your performance—S, A,…
Loads of people have cosplayed as characters from Metal Gear over the years. But these guys are, I think, the very…
Dunkey is both better and worse than you at Metal Gear Solid V.
There’s a cutscene, late in Metal Gear Solid V, that’s ostensibly serious but contains a musical interlude so…
Kojima Productions, apparently, is no more. The studio started by Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima has been…
In preparation for Metal Gear Solid V, I’ve been playing through the entries in the series that I missed. It’s been…
Today on Highlight Reel we have Mad Max, cartwheels, fearless horses, impressive CQC and much more!
When you’re stuck in a video game, sometimes the only way through is to get creative.
It starts slow, and feels a little self-indulgent. But this Metal Gear Solid V debriefing ends with something of a…
Today on Highlight Reel we have parachute shooting, Destiny comebacks, tiny covenant soldiers, invisible ladders to…
Everyone: “Hey, Snake, why do you ask so many questions?”
If this is Hideo Kojima’s last Metal Gear trailer, he’s going out with a bang.
You’ve got lots and lots of questions about the fifth (and probably final) Metal Gear Solid game. We’ve got some…
When reports come out that renowned pachinko manufacturer Konami treats its game developers like prisoners, you…