BioWare celebrates the success of Dragon Age II by giving fans that purchase and register a copy of the game…
The Arrive downloadable content pack for BioWare's award-winning Mass Effect 2 has been unleashed, giving players…
Tomorrow, March 29 brings Mass Effect 2's final batch of downloadable content, Arrival, for the PC, PlayStation 3…
I understand that role-playing video games owe their existence to role-playing tabletop games, and as a result,…
Kotaku commenter Jezuz feels that games set in outer space have become too cold and sterile. He shares his idea on…
I have a dream. That when a big shooter is released, at least some of its downloadable content caters to the crowd…
Commander Shepard travels to the edge of the galaxy to rescue an undercover operative that could have evidence…
The British Academy Of Film And Television Arts held its big video games awards night last night, and Mass Effect 2…
Today in Speak-Up on Kotaku, commenter Luke874 wonders if we aren't putting too much emphasis on online multiplayer…
If there's one thing you can't say about BioWare this week, it's that they've been slack on downloadable content for…
Which is tougher, the female version of Mass Effect 2's Commander Shepard, or the female version of Dragon Age II's…
One of the great unfulfilled dreams of the present hardware generation is the ability to buy full, retail console…
Note: this is the poster for the original 2183 escapades of Commander Shepard and crew, not the 2217 remake. See…
Of those who started Heavy Rain, 72 percent finished it, according to the president of the studio behind the game.…
Treehouse Brand Stores make official clothing for many of Electronic Arts' biggest franchises. Like Mass Effect, for…
Plans for even more downloadable content for Mass Effect 2 is hardly surprising, given BioWare's extended…
Check out that list of games nominated for the Writers Guild's Video Game Writing Award. Seem like anyone's missing?…
These pictures are the work of artist Jason Martin. If you've played Mass Effect 2, Force Unleashed II, DC Universe…
The 2011 PlayStation 3 version of Mass Effect 2 is superior to the 2010 Xbox 360 in some ways, but not in the way of…
Don't look now, but Mass Effect 2 on PS3 is having a little trouble saving some people's games. Be cautious!