The summer re-release of Marvel vs. Capcom 2 features the same wacky jazz as the original game, but Capcom revealed…
In its financial report, comic book giant Marvel dated the re-release of classic fighter Marvel vs. Capcom 2. That…
While both the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 will be seeing a re-release of Capcom's classic 2D fighter Marvel vs…
While Marvel vs Capcom may not be as comprehensive a re-release as the recent SSFIIHD - it's more of a straight-up…
Ignore the fact that the techno doesn't quite last the length of the game play, and sit back to watch a bit of…
It's been rumored. It's been practically verified. Now it's announced: Marvel VS Capcom 2 will be coming to the…
Our old friend the countdown clock rears its ugly head once more, with possibly counting down to an…
A re-release of Capcom's classic Marvel vs Capcom 2 is probably the company's worst-kept secret, what with ESRB…
Capcom's VP of Business Development and Strategic Planning, Christian Svensson, says the company is far from done…
Ah, the Entertainment Software Ratings Board website, a wellspring of information on upcoming, yet-to-be-announced…