Valve is spending a lot of money getting everyone ready for Left 4 Dead. How much you might ask? 10 million…
Those of us who pre-order Left 4 Dead via Valve's Steam service will be — like our console counterparts — playing…
Earlier this week, we noticed that the German box art for Left 4 dead had been edited. Some gore removed, an extra…
Valve seems to be more than capable at exploring every "dead" pun known to man, with "Dead Air," one of the newly…
[UPDATE - EA contacted us to let us know the German version has two covers; a paper sleeve and the actual DVD case.…
My apologies to Charlie Gavin over at Blank Pixels. We had a conversation earlier today in which he said he knew…
Meet the new Left 4 Dead system specs. Same as the old Left 4 Dead system spe-waitaminute. Feeling the need/desire…
So starved are we for additional details on Left 4 Dead, Valve must think, that we'll even post screen shots of the…
Valve's undead slaying survival shooter Left 4 Dead hits in under a month, meaning most of us are asking the…
The royal we have a bit of vomit phobia. The last time I threw up was college (go figure), but the time before that…
Funny I should post a story about Gears of War 2 multiplayer the same day as the Left 4 Dead multiplayer event.…
Valve dropped word today that its upcoming zombie shoot-fest Left 4 Dead is now available to pre-order via Steam.…
Anyone curious about Left 4 Dead's brand of co-op Zombie evasion and survivalism will be able to tip their toe in…
If you happened to miss this weekend's Brickcon 2008 in Seattle, as we unfortunately did, you missed the appearance…
Box art disaster averted! The official Left 4 Dead web site features updated box art for Valve's upcoming zombie…
Valve's Doug Lombardi dropped word with the folks at on the official, 100% legit, absolutely…
Look, put aside all these denials from Valve, saying they're not doing a PS3 version of Left 4 Dead. Of course…
What on earth is going on with Left 4 Dead? Last week we had the Australian classifications board saying there was…
Not content with ruining Fallout 3, the Australian Office of Film and Literature Classification is now just playing m…
Blood, mostly. Here, take a napkin, wipe it off ... These are 19 new screenshots of Left 4 Dead that NeoGAF put up…