I've never "finished" a Dance Central game because, every time I start playing, the booze eventually runs out,…
I've never "finished" a Dance Central game because, every time I start playing, the booze eventually runs out,…
Yesterday, a demo for upcoming Kinect action game Crimson Dragon was accidentally released on Xbox Live in Japan…
Wednesday morning last week I woke up feeling like I had been dragged behind that truck from Raiders of the Lost…
Garry's Mod has added support for Kinect. The popular PC machinima/screwing around tool will be able to read your…
A patent filed by Microsoft last year, but only made public last week, wants to turn your Xbox 360's Kinect into an…
When I was 16, in an effort to improve my feeble hitting, I sawed off a broomstick, taped both ends with grip, and…
When you begin a game of Need For Speed: Most Wanted, your engine will be off. How do you start it? Well, by…
Ah, the Kinect. The problem with the Kinect in Japan is that one of the requirements for using it, namely open…
One of Microsoft's big holiday-season Kinect games, Fable: The Journey, came out today. As our reviewer notes, it's…
Perhaps because old-timey paintings can be naught but artistic lies, it's tough knowing exactly what a notable…
The way Kinect works is that it sends out all these little beams of light. That's how it can read movements and…
Witness Kinect: Nat Geo TV, or at least witness a Kinect mini-game in Kinect: Nat Geo TV. It's teaching our video…
Well, this year's Tokyo Game Show has drawn to a close. It was a busy show, but it was great to cover it with most…
Dragon Ball Z is coming to Kinect as Dragon Ball Z for Kinect. They really should've called it Dragon Ball Z:…
Here's a heartwarming story: a man named Chad Ruble hacked a Kinect to allow his mom, a stroke victim, to send…
I'm not really anti-Kinect. It's just that a lot of Kinect games really suck. But I absolutely love Dance Central…
The next Forza game is set in an open world. Wait, what? Yes, it's an open world modeled after Colorado. And smack…
Last week, I talked to the people who make the best Kinect games. The topic of discussion? One of the worst Kinect…
The price of a Kinect is dropping down from $149.99 to $109.99, according to Microsoft's Larry "Major Nelson" Hryb
The Kinect may be a lost cause for proper games, but there's still hope for it to live on as a party trick. Which…