Earlier this month, the Otakuthon Anime Convention stormed through lovely Montreal, Canada. And when there's a…
Keita Takahashi, famed Japanese game designer and creator of surreal games like Katamari Damacy and Noby Noby Boy,…
Computer gaming start-up Tiny Speck today announced that they have hired Katamari Damacy developer Keita Takahashi…
Freddie Wong is back with another video game video, and it is fantastic. You can see the punchline coming, but…
We got Kataminey Damacraft. Sure, the name isn't that great, but this mod for the quirky cult-hit Minecraft based…
Namco Bandai, the people who brought you Katamari Damacy, We ♥ Katamari, Me & My Katamari, Beautiful Katamari and…
Are you browsing this page on Google Chrome right now? Well, you're going to want to. Some saint of a coder has…
Mike Mitchell created an excellent Katamari Damacy themed illustration "Prince Of Darkness" for Gallery 1988's "Multi…
There is one question that we all have. That question is this: what the hell inspired Muscle March?
Courtesy of hand-crafting superstar Moxie, here's a Katamari Damacy playset for the real world, made of little…
Katamari Damacy designer Keita Takahashi wasn't happy at Namco Bandai. When leaving the company, he called it…
Keita Takahashi, the creator of Katamari Damacy who recently left Namco Bandai, has started a new company with his…
But you can't take the Katamari Damacy out of him. Keita Takahashi, who recently left Namco Bandai, checks out the…
It seems that Keita Takahashi, the man known for Katamari Damacy, has left Namco Bandai.
Namco's Katamari Damacy is an iconic title. People instantly recognize it. This makes Katamari perfect fodder for an…
Growing up meant summers spent outside for me. Long days locked outside with no hope of returning home until the sun…
It would look like this. Artist Kate Elizabeth, an New Orleans-based illustrator, created this stunning piece.
We presume this is Keita Takahashi, creator of Katamari Damacy and Noby Noby Boy, in disguise. Who else could make…
"Prince Holds The Katamari On His Shoulders", 8" bronze scultpure by Everfalling.
The Prince of all Cosmos gets busy reticulating splines. As seen on Coolvibe.