Never mind that Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days was first released nearly two years ago (or that it was a bit of a turd),…
If you missed out on the preorder bonuses for Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days, fret not! Square Enix is more than happy to…
Partners in crime, Kane and Lynch, meet in Shanghai for one more score. An arms deal goes—how else?—horribly wrong,…
As we reported earlier, the Kane & Lynch 2 demo is already available for PlayStation Plus subscribers, with the rest…
If you've bought into PlayStation Plus, on Tuesday you can get the Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days demo shipped to your…
Here we are, trying to have a nice new bunch of action-packed screens for Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days, and Lynch goes…
The first Kane & Lynch was much like its antihero protagonists - someone whose potential was washed out by…
The bold new art direction for Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days spills over onto the cover of the game, sporting a nifty…

Summer is due for some Shanghai shoot 'em up grit and grime, thanks to those lovable scamps Kane and Lynch. The…
Kane & Lynch's raw and grimy aesthetic extends to something rarely expected in IO Interactive's sequel—the camera.…
It's hard to look back upon the original Kane & Lynch and its baggage and remember it too fondly. But IO Interactive…
This time you're Lynch, and you've got online co-op.
After trademarks and teases and rumors of naked grizzled men, Square Enix finally announces Kane & Lynch 2: Dog…
Eidos sequel to the 2007's Kane & Lynch: Dead Men, likely titled Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days and likely teased in this f…
It might be the least graphically impressive video game trailer we've ever seen, clearly by design. It might also be…
The future of the Kane & Lynch franchise is now a bit less cloudy, as Eidos files a trademark registration for Kane…