On April Fool's day, NPR had an extremely simple joke that turned out to be an incredibly effective demonstration of…
I guess this truly means there is a Facebook page for everything?
This is not an April Fool's prank. Or well: the reason the site updated is because of April Fools, sure, but the…
In South Korea, you shouldn't trust everything you read online today. Nor should you trust everything you see in the…
Remember the cardboard wizard who turned Amazon boxes into a Japanese temple? Well, he's back, and this time, he's…
Today is April 1st. Be wary! There are some pranks and tricks online that you might fall for. Some of them are not…
Last week, one of the hottest topics online in China was an egg. Not just any egg, but rather an egg hardboiled in…
It's springtime in Japan. That means, friends and family gather to sit under cherry blossoms and eat, drink, and be…
Last year, some members of a Japanese comedy site decided to troll Google Street View with pigeon masks. That was…
In Japan, if you really screw up, just saying you're sorry won't cut it. You might have to grovel. And this is some…
Usually, covers of The Diary of Anne Frank feature black and white photos of its author, Anne Frank. Or, you might…
China's pollution is bad. It's a huge problem. The air quality in Beijing has even been compared to a nuclear…
If you've ever spent time on Japanese online video network Nico Nico Douga, you've probably seen young people do…
They would survive and adapt easily, or at least that's what deviantART artist Kasami-Sensei's artwork suggests. He…
You read that headline right. Chinese internet giant NetEase will soon be selling pork.
You will probably never look at dick faces, I mean tigers, the same way ever again.
After the new Prosecutor of the Crimean republic, Natalia Poklonskaya, gave a press conference earlier this month,…
Who knew a simple piece of rope could cause such consternation? Penguins, that's who.
Disney's hit animated feature Frozen follows the story of two sisters—the older of which is able to wield snow and…
In your life, you've probably seen your share of dick doodles. But I can guarantee you've never seen any quite like…