While the next Ratchet & Clank game looks handsome enough in those new bright and cheery screen shots, the…
Joseph Capelli's trip across the war torn, alien occupied America in Resistance 3 will make a stop in Mt. Pleasant,…
Yesterday, we got a new look at Insomniac Games' Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One, a sneak peek that started with series…
PlayStation 3 shooter Resistance 3 will support Sony's PlayStation Move motion controller and the Sharpshooter gun…
Insomniac Games, creators of PlayStation staples Ratchet & Clank and Resistance, say they'll continue to stick to…
Are you in the greater Los Angeles area today? Then you might be able to get your hands on Resistance 3 and Ratchet…
The people behind Resistance, Ratchet and Clank and Spyro the Dragon think video games are getting so complex that…
Bringing together four leading characters from the Ratchet & Clank series together and making them cooperate to…
Insomniac Games, the makers of the Resistance and Ratchet and Clank series, will push into mobile and Web-based…
Resistance 3 take on multiplayer reduces the player count from 40 to 16, something that turns what were sometimes…
In many ways, Playstation 3 first-person shooter Resistance was a return to their roots for the studio behind…
The folks behind Resistance and Ratchet & Clank may be best known for their inventive, sometimes kooky weapons,…
This past weekend's Spike TV VGAs offered a first-look glimpse at Resistance 3 gameplay. Today, a new, longer…
The PS3 exclusive hits Sept. 6, according to this trailer, which just aired at the 2010 Video Game Awards in Los…
Enough people paid the Facebook "Like" ransom so Insomniac released another four Resistance 3 screens today (on the…
A collection of screenshots and concept art for Resistance 3 have surfaced, painting a wonderfully dark picture of…
Insomniac Games' North Carolina studio director Chad Dezern walks us through nine minutes of gameplay footage from…
Insomniac Games' newest Ratchet & Clank title originally began life as a two-player game, but eventually grew into…
Insominac Games just announced at Gamescom in Germany that Resistance 3 will be out on the PlayStation 3 in 2011. We…