An enterprising indie developer pointed me toward his 3D pumpkin carving game on Xbox Live Indie Games called Pumpkin…
Dead Rising's Frank West can beat down opponents with golf clubs and baseball bats in Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom, but…
The build I played of The Saboteur this week was a month old, so if I had fun and was impressed, what does that mean?
Failure is not possible in Activision's turntable riff on Guitar Hero, but I saw last night how tough — and…
Sounds like people (e.g. my boss) weren't excited about a second LEGO Indy game, despite the awesome driving mode…
In Divinity II, you are a freaking dragon at least half the time. Why should you care about petty mortal concerns…
SEGA's released a new demo of upcoming Platinum Games title Bayonetta on Xbox LIVE and the PS3's PlayStation…
The PSPgo and Playstation Portable were everywhere at Sony's Tokyo Game Show booth. And tucked away in one section…
Ninety-Nine Nights II, much like the original Xbox 360 game, is light on subtlety.
I'm no stranger to pet sims, but I'm not sure if I get the point of them. It's a virtual pet that has the ability to…
Few games that I've seen benefit as much from being seen in video, as opposed to in stills, as PixelJunk Shooter. So…
My second hands-on with Red Steel 2, this time in Tokyo, confirmed to me that Ubisoft's first-person Wii sequel is…
Having bailed on Kingdom Hearts 2 after reaching the Steamboat Willy stage, I may have finally found the KH game to…
Of the handful of Xbox Live Arcade games playable at Microsoft's Tokyo Game Show booth space, only RayStorm HD, the…
Konami and Climax's re-imagining of the first Silent Hill is a risky prospect, a wildly different take on the…
Nier Gestalt's protagonist may be the perfect hero for his game. He looks tired and a bit confused.
Wait. Did I really fly all the way to Tokyo and brave the TGS masses to play Snoopy Flying Ace? Yup. After all, the X…
My short time spent playing Dante's Inferno on the Playstation Portable reminded me an awful lot of time spent…
I wasn't playing the new Splinter Cell right at the Tokyo Game Show last week. So the game's creative director…
DS title "Ni no Kuni" is not just another role-playing-game from Fukuoka-based developer Level-5, it is the first…