… I’m a week into playing GTA Online. My character mysteriously had a sex…
Here's what I like to imagine. Game Freak shipped Black and White 2, and production then started for a new Pokemon ga…
I didn't fully appreciate the next generation of consoles until last Friday, when I got the chance to play Skylanders…
Everyone sits on the turbo button in a sports video game. Its use was so ubiquitous, Madden's makers even removed…
This is the Leap Motion Controller. I'm pretty sure it's the future.
As my hour with Disney Infinity's Toy Box mode at the San Diego Comic-Con came to a close, producer John Vignocchi…
Last Thursday night at the 2013 Xbox Comic-Con Media Showcase, I got my first hands-on time with the Xbox One. I was…
Pikmin and its sequel were two of the GameCube’s most beloved titles. But over the lifespan of the Wii, no new games…
Today is the type of day where I look back on the week and go holy moly, I've spent most of my time recently doing on…
I'm ten hours into Namco Bandai's massive tactical RPG cross-over for the 3DS, and Tron Bonne just asked Tekken's…
Between issues with early start and the official release being the week before E3 2013 craziness, I've not had much…
The biggest breakthrough for your running game in NCAA Football 14 may not be smarter line blocking, the return of a…
“I played Dark Souls II,” I said to a friend of mine one night at E3 over drinks. He leaned in. His eyes suddenly…
Dead Rising 3 isn’t designed to be the laugh riot of the older Dead Risings. The Xbox One exclusive from Capcom…
Insomniac's new game Fuse is out today in North America. We'll have more in our full review later, but for now here…
While fans of the war between plant life and human undeath wait anxiously for July's Plants Vs. Zombies 2, the…
I'd like to think I'm a people person. I might not agree with 75 percent of what other people say or think or…
The late 80s was the best time to be a toy-obsessed child. Back then toy companies weren't afraid to release a toy…
The first time Gearbox gave us a look at the playable psycho bandit named Krieg, I knew this character was made for…
Did you know that Snoop Dogg (né ‘Snoopy’) has a game out today? It’s true! Its also doesn’t work half the time!