Taking us down a dark and secluded memory lane, the folks at Did You Know Gaming explore the secrets of the…
You've seen the famous Christmas video. You know how important Super Mario 64 is to the design history of video…
Fifty quid says Queen Victoria is a Templar. Empress of India seems like a Templar-y thing to be, and the history…
The kind of swordfighting you see in movies and TV shows, where everything is graceful and balletic and…
Blond hair. A big nose. These aren't just the white people stereotypes Japanese people have today. They also…
Since time immemorial, Chinese internet cafes have been the hub, the nexus of all gaming in China. That's soon to…
Photographer Thom Atkinson is to thank for this captivating series of shots that show everything an English soldier…
Last weekend at the Galloping Ghost Arcade in Brookfield, Illinois, ten of the actors rotoscoped for the first three …
Nintendo is 125 years old, and they've been making games since before arcades as we know them even existed. You…
One of the reasons so many people prefer physical media over digital downloads is the supposed permanency of it all.…
Assassin's Creed is a lot of things: blockbuster entertainment franchise, beautiful open-world murder simulator, insp…
The excavation of Atari's game graveyard—which unearthed many copies of the infamous failed E.T. game—definitely…
Memories that remain rigid. The ones you can replay in your mind without effort. Those memories are usually the…
I was worried about posting Did You Know Gaming's piece on Harvest Moon on this fine spring day, knowing you'd all…
Come April 26, 2014, one of gaming's greatest mysteries will finally be solved. Or maybe it will just be get even…
You might know about the Missingno glitch from Red & Blue, that backwards L shape that players could encounter and…
The original publisher of household names such as Myst, Prince of Persia and Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego…
Has it really been that long? World of Warcraft first went live in November or 2004, quickly becoming one of the…
Quick: What are video games going to look like in the year 2024? Will we be beaming games directly into our brains?…
Russian designer Mikhail Kalashnikov, creator of perhaps the world's most famous firearm, passed away today at the…