A friendly reminder to Heroes of the Storm fans: I’ll be live-streaming some games I’ll be playing with the game’s developers at Blizzard tomorrow starting at 4:00 pm EDT on the Kotaku Twitch channel. Woo-hoo!! Read more

Heroes of the Storm has finally made its loading screens more like League of Legends—AKA better. Today’s patch makes it so you can actually see who you’re going to play against in the upcoming game, even with quick matches. Hooray!!

I’ve played 999 games of Heroes of the Storm. Staying true to MOBA tradition, I asked the HOTS developers if they would play my 1,000th game with me, and they said yes! We will live stream the festivities next week on Thursday, October 8th, beginning at 4:00 pm EDT. So clear your schedules, because this’ll be fun.

Now playing

Heroes of the Storm just put out a spotlight for the upcoming Warcraft character Manbearpig Rexxar. I love the idea of adding a beastmaster—I mean, there’s already one in Dota 2. Allowing you to manage a bunch of different animals seems like a logical next step from all the summoning-heavy specialists already in HOTS.
