A friendly reminder to Heroes of the Storm fans: I’ll be live-streaming some games I’ll be playing with the game’s developers at Blizzard tomorrow starting at 4:00 pm EDT on the Kotaku Twitch channel. Woo-hoo!! Read more
Blizzard’s new MOBA Heroes of the Storm is a work of Smash Bros.-style fan fiction that mashes together characters…
Heroes of the Storm has finally made its loading screens more like League of Legends—AKA better. Today’s patch makes it so you can actually see who you’re going to play against in the upcoming game, even with quick matches. Hooray!!
Over the weekend I created a new smurf account for Heroes of the Storm, “smurf” being an alternate account an…
Heroes of the Storm put out its new patch notes today, and boy is this a big one. In addition to adding the new StarC…
I’ve played 999 games of Heroes of the Storm. Staying true to MOBA tradition, I asked the HOTS developers if they would play my 1,000th game with me, and they said yes! We will live stream the festivities next week on Thursday, October 8th, beginning at 4:00 pm EDT. So clear your schedules, because this’ll be fun.
Lt. Morales, a character inspired by the famously sultry StarCraft Terran unit The Medic, is the next up for release…
The first time I played League of Legends against other people, I had no idea what I was doing. I don’t remember…
I have played exactly nine hundred and ninety-nine games of Heroes of the Storm, and I’ve never seen a Murky player…
The Heroes of the Storm Americas finals went down in Las Vegas this weekend, giving rise to many big plays that…
Fresh off Heroes of the Storm’s Americas Championship games that went down this past weekend, Blizzard teased out…
The Heroes of the Storm Americas Championship concludes today as six teams—Tempo Storm, COGnitive Gaming, Cloud 9 compLexity, Relics and Murloc Geniuses battle for two spots to the World Championships at BlizzCon 2015. Watch it live here.
The top eight Heroes of the Storm team in the Americas are in Las Vegas today, competing for a $100,000 prize pool…
Whether it’s a hidden corner of a StarCraft II campaign map or something mentioned in a WoW quest, Blizzard always…
One odd thing that sets League of Legends apart from Dota 2 and Heroes of the Storm is the fact that the other games…
Heroes of the Storm added the Warcraft duo Rexxar and his pet bear Misha to its character roster yesterday. Like all…
Last month, Heroes of the Storm finally got around to nerfing the monstrosity known as Kael’thas—a pyromaniac mage…
Now that the Diablo-themed campaign “The Eternal Conflict” is over, Heroes of the Storm has turned its gaze back to …
Blizzard hasn’t said much about in-game toxicity in Heroes of the Storm since before the game had launched, leading…
Heroes of the Storm just put out a spotlight for the upcoming Warcraft character Manbearpig Rexxar. I love the idea of adding a beastmaster—I mean, there’s already one in Dota 2. Allowing you to manage a bunch of different animals seems like a logical next step from all the summoning-heavy specialists already in HOTS.…