Heavy Rain can be a drag sometimes. It's so bleak! And serious! What we need to lighten the mood is an unofficial…
Ultimately, the challenges the "uncanny valley" poses to motion capture and animation will be overcome by…
It is no secret that much of the world sees our beloved hobby as a nothing but juvenile, ultra-violent, and…
This post contains spoilers for Heavy Rain. Although Heavy Rain is set in a nameless American city, David Cage has…
I liked Heavy Rain! Really liked it, actually. Funny thing is, I enjoyed the three short cartoons found within the…
Motion capture actors might be gaming's unsung heroes. Film director Guy Ritchie (Sherlock Holmes) might have…
I enjoyed Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain, but I wanted to love it.
Outdoing early guesstimates on its retail performance, Sony's PS3 thriller Heavy Rain has managed to sell over a…
Call it a missing chapter, an added short story or simply an extra sprinkling of Heavy Rain, but you may as well…
PS3 exclusive Heavy Rain looks fantastic. Mark Carson, head of mo-cap specialist CaptiveMotion, told website VG247…
Yesterday we considered that maybe breaking the rules is the best way to play video games. Because — or despite…
Elections are this weekend in Italy, where apparently a Greek is eligible to run for regional president.
Prepare for an eery sense of deja vu, Heavy Rain fans, as you watch actor Sam Douglas - the face and voice of Heavy…
Since the release of Sony's Heavy Rain last month, users have been complaining about a range of bugs and glitches.…
For the most part, Heavy Rain is an entertaining exercise in story-telling. For the most part. The parts where…
For films like In the Company of Men (NSFW) and Your Friends and Neighbors (ditto), director Neil LaBute has been…
Heavy Rain for the PlayStation 3 is an emotionally engaging psychological thriller. Se7en, starring Brad Pitt and…
Reader kuroner says that while playing Heavy Rain the other day, he stumbled on a little glitch. One that leaves one…
With the PS3 having some, ahem, problems today, you may not be able to play Heavy Rain. Ah well! You may as well…