The intentionally, unabashedly offensive School Shooter: North American Tour 2012, designed to be "the most…
Portal 2 takes place after Portal, long after enough for Aperture Science to be wrecked and covered with…
What kind of video game would proudly promote the option to wield Columbine shooter Eric Harris' TEC-9 and Virgina…

Let's be honest. There are two types of fan films: crappy looking ones and great looking ones. Freeman's Days? It…
In 2003, Axel Gembe got his hands on the game everybody wanted, Valve's Half-Life 2. He hacked into the developer's…

The people at Gaming Heads make some impressive statues based on Valve's best games. Mixed in with some Left4Dead…

Garry's Mod is powerful, but not this powerful. That's where "Photoshop" comes in. But this brilliant…

A group of hardcore Half-Life fans with a pretty good camera, twelve hundred bucks and years of their lives have…

The Half-Life series is a fan favourite for a ton of reasons, but the main one is that its universe and story are so …
Just when the memory of how beautiful Half-Life 2 can be begins to fade, Reddit user Enjuaguese reminds us all with…
Did any of you make a new year's resolution? These guys did. Let's hoping most of them, Gordon Freeman aside, can…
The head-chomping, zombie-making alien of Half-Life looks good in a powdered wig when painted by Gearbox Software…
Dean Fraser hits it out of the park once again. As seen on Springfield Punx.
The fact so many games now appear on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC is a blessing for PC gamers who used to miss out on a lot…

Do you have a certain someone in your life that owns an Apple Macintosh computer? And would you like to buy them…
My acting teacher taught me a variety of things, such as how to cry on command and sound really excited about floor…
Normal calendars show twelve months of the year, have some public holidays and pictures of either puppies, paintings…

While game studio Valve torture the world with a lack of updates to the Half-Life universe, animator James Benson…

Here's a new trailer for Beyond Black Mesa, a fan-made Half-Life movie that makes up in enthusiasm and polish what…

Garry Newman has one of PC gaming's better-known first names — and one of its best grassroots success stories.