There's a new Gundam series, penned by Professor Layton designer Akihiro Hino. It's dubbed Gundam Age. New Gundam…
Makes sense! Especially seeing how Layton designer Akihiro Hino is penning the story for new Gundam series, Gundam…
China loves Gundam. But China doesn't always love copyright law. That can be a problem!
Spotted at the Shizuoka Hobby Show by Hobby Blog, these are life-sized vehicles that appear in the Gundam series.…
As a kid, I was always impressed with models. I was more impressed with full-blown dioramas—still am. These…
Year after year, new graduates of prestigious Kyoto University eschew the traditional suit or kimono in favor of…
You may not know his name, but if you like Japanese games with mechas, fighters or idols, you probably know his…
Whether it's video games, anime or plastic toys, Gundam is a Japanese cultural institution. No wonder the country wa…
A 42-year-old Japanese male walked into his local cineplex and started watching the latest Gundam flick. As well as…

In the evolution of Kinect-controlled robotics, we've gone from a Roomba in November, to a robot moving its arms…
A theme park in China's Szechwan province constructed a large orange statue that looks similar to the RX-78 Gundam…
A giant mecha statue is going up in China. It looks like Gundam — if Gundam was sickly orange and built by men on…
In summer 2009, Bandai Namco constructed an enormous, life-sized 59-foot-tall Gundam statue in Tokyo, following…
In late September, an incident involving a Chinese fishing vessel caused a strain in Sino-Japanese relations. Even…

I made a vow to shoot video of all of the Gundam figures at Bandai's booth at New York Comic-Con. Settle in for…
Spotted at the recent Chara Hobby expo, cosplayer Sachibudou does her best take on character Reiko Holinger, while…
The Nintendo 3DS, Nintendo's 3D-glasses-free portable, isn't out yet. Nintendo has only said it will be out before…