In summer 2009, Bandai Namco constructed an enormous, life-sized 59-foot-tall Gundam statue in Tokyo, following with an updated version earlier this year. China is working on one of it's own, but don't tell Namco Bandai.
Apparently, a theme park in China's Szechwan is constructing a slightly smaller Gundam-type statue of its own, in glorious orange. Details about the statue are scant, but Gundam seems to be gaining in popularity in China, hence this creation.
For better or worse, China is known for its loose interpretation of copyright law, which is something that the Chinese government is actively trying to change. Perhaps a Gundam© Beam Saber™ would help?
中華なガンダム? 実物大ガンダムが中国に出現 [Gizmodo Japan]