Whether it's video games, anime or plastic toys, Gundam is a Japanese cultural institution. No wonder the country wasn't happy when a Chinese theme park ripped it off. Lawyers attacked, and the statue was removed. Now, it's back.
Last December, a 15-meter mecha was constructed at China's Floraland Park and caught heat for looking too similar to the life-sized RX-78 Gundam first erected in Japan in 2009. The Chinese theme park denied those claims.
The statue, it seems, is back, but with enough tweaks to throw the Gundam lawyers off the scent. See, it has spikes? Totally different! Carry on, China, carry on.
【画像あり】中国産ガンダム訴えられて改造されたwwwwwwwww [暇人\(^o^)/速報]