Now that's a random encounter with Winnie-the-Pooh. He traveled far from Ashdown Forest to Guild Wars 2's Heart of the Mist. Seems like he's buffed and ready for some PvP. Also, is that Tigger next to him in the second picture? Read more
Using roughly 20,000 Guild Wars 2 screenshots, YouTuber Quecc made a stunning timelapse video of various zones from…
When the April 2014 Feature Pack for Guild Wars 2 drops next month, players are getting an account-wide wardrobe…
This is Scarlet Briar, posing here next to her massive drill ship, currently tearing a gigantic hole in the harbor…
"Something people forget is that we're already the fastest-selling MMO in history, so even if sales are declining a little bit, that's on the fastest selling MMO in history." Colin Johanson, game director of Guild Wars 2, sharing his opinion with Eurogamer about ArenaNet's declining sales figures.
The guys behind Guild Wars II took some taxi cabs, decked their interiors out in fantasy livery, dressed the drivers…
The most fun I've had in Guild Wars 2 was back in April, when ArenaNet launched a homage to 16-bit adventure games…
Now that they've got regular content updates in the bag, ArenaNet hopes to bring more players to its subscription-free MMO Guild Wars 2 by lowering the cost of entry to $49.99 for the regular edition and $69.99 for the digital deluxe. Hooray, $10 off.
Not content to simply create a fake 16-bit game to base their real 3D Guild Wars 2 April Fools' surprise on, ArenaNet has created a full playable version of Rytlock's Critter Rampage, and it's gleefully brutal. Play it here. Read more
Originally planned as a fake 8-bit update to celebrate April Fools' Day, Super Adventure Box grew into an expansive…
Dave Bolton is a concept artist who has worked for 343 Studios, ArenaNet and Hourglass Studios. So we're about to…
Just because it's a video game doesn't mean scenes won't play out like they do in real life.
You'd think that the game being out, and out for a while now, would have stopped me lusting after the concept art…
YouTube user Marflus1 has created this musical gem, which is described as follows:
Guild Wars 2's director shares plans for the MMORPG—which has sold 3 million copies so far—in 2013 and beyond.
When we started putting together a list of the best-looking games of 2012, Guild Wars 2 was an easy choice. The…
The folks at ArenaNet keep on adding new content to Guild Wars 2, from seasonal updates to new instances, group…
ArenaNet's massively multiplayer Guild Wars 2 has been out for a few months now, and many of us here at Kotaku really…
Oh, you like that Exotic weapon you've got? Yeah, but is it Ascended? That's the name of the newest sort of gear in G…
Lion's Arch is under attack!