What’s the mystery connection between Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto V? It might be Ryan Gosling’s…
What’s the mystery connection between Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto V? It might be Ryan Gosling’s…
This week's gaming conversation has been dominated by Grand Theft Auto V, but these screenshots from a modded PC…
Saints Row has taken a good share of crap for supposedly copying Grand Theft Auto, but at long last, the tables…
Grand Theft Auto V will have three different protagonists. Grand Theft Auto IV had three different protagonists,…
It’s a hard thing to realize your career is over before you’re ready for it to end. When you’re the lead character…
This character mod for Toy Story's Woody is the most terrifying thing you'll ever see in Grand Theft Auto IV. Check…
Having spent the majority of BioShock Infinite hiding behind walls or throwing things at you, you'd be forgiven for…
Despite never having been to the US - he used photos and movie clips as reference - nine30 has made this incredible…
Falling on your crotch is funny, when it's in a video game. So is dying multiple times over for no apparent reason.
UPDATE, 12/4/14: This story appears to have been based on a hoax that was intended to trick us into publishing a…
An enterprising Grand Theft Auto IV modder just added the Millennium Falcon to the—wait ... wait ... Oh, my! What have you done? Oh my! It's BACKWARDS! You flea-bitten furball! Only an overgrown mop-head like you ...
As previously proven, the huge environment of Grand Theft Auto IV's Liberty City is a perfect playground for…
I have to say, while I enjoyed watching Woody from Toy Story wreaking havoc in Liberty City, I didn't really think…
There's certainly no shortage of funny Grand Theft Auto IV mods out there, but that doesn't mean there isn't room…
The endless series of zany mods for Grand Theft Auto IV now includes a space shuttle, which you may fly to the moon.
Thanks to a dedicated community, the PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV has been continually polished and upgraded…
We saw the first Grand Theft Auto V trailer recreated in the original San Andreas (GTA: San Andreas, to be exact).…
It's true that the PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV has given birth to some truly inspired mods. But not many of…
The PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV allows for mods. We've shown you some of these before. But I've never seen a…
OK, I think we've all had just about enough of this Gangnam Style business. So let's tie it all off neatly with…