In 2011, the protagonist of 1980s crime saga Grand Theft Auto: Vice City, Tommy Vercetti, would be 55.
Do you have a certain someone in your life that owns an Apple Macintosh computer? And would you like to buy them…
Mac owners, get ready to game like it's 2001, as the Grand Theft Auto III trilogy has finally come to Apple…
Answering reader mail, Rockstar Games today said it will be bringing Grand Theft Auto III, Vice City and San Andreas…
Curiously, a new rating turned up yesterday on Australia's Classification Board website for a game that was first…
The actor who voiced Steve Scott in Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and played King Koopa in that ill-conceived Super…
At PAX, I had the good fortune to catch Bethesda's Brink demo. While there was a lot of cool stuff in the game worth…