The Games Done Quick speedrunning charity marathon started up this weekend. The event, coming off years of increased…
At the biannual Games Done Quick speedrunning marathon, there’s always an ongoing contest: In Super Metroid, should…
Games Done Quick, the folks behind the popular semi-annual week-long charity speedrunning marathons, are holding an…
During SGDQ 2016, the charity speedrun event to benefit Doctors Without Borders, speedrunner Blood Thunder saw his Bi…
Forget the sun. Forget the beach. Hang out with us and watch more than 140 video games being speedrun to benefit…

On the left we have aspiring voice actor Patrick “Patty” Cullens, aka PCULL, whose mother may or may not have been…
As foretold by prophecy, the weeklong Summer Games Done Quick charity speedrun marathon launches today, and you can…

Don't miss Summer Games Done Quick, the speedrunning marathon for charity that starts this Sunday and runs…