Last night's episode of South Park was an ode to all things freemium, and as you might expect from the longrunning…
FIFA is best known as a console and PC game, but EA's hit soccer franchise has had a dedicated mobile audience for…
Seeing Counter-Strike Nexon: Zombies on Steam, I knew from the title alone I had to try this free-to-play version of …
Since its launch way back in 2001, browser-based massively-multiplayer online role-playing game RuneScape has…
The series may be an apocalypse or two late to the party, but massively popular multiplayer shooter Counter-Strike…
Imagine, if you will, a world where Pokémon isn't just something you can buy for $40 or so. Imagine Nintendo's…
Brilliant in concept and nearly flawless in execution, Sword & Poker and Sword & Poker 2 were two of the best…
Are you one of the PC gamers who prefers Origin to Steam?
I finally bit the bullet and started playing Hearthstone when it was released on iPad, and I've been staring at that…
If you've always wanted to have more automatons in your DOTA experience, then I may have just the thing for you. AirM…
"Free-to-play is the way that gamers should want their MMOs to be. If we don't do a really good job, we don't make a dime... it's entirely our responsibility to make sure you're entertained." Everquest Next director David Georgeson explains to IGN why he considers free-to-play superior to other, pay-up-front models.
At this moment, there are 385,000 people playing Dota 2, and millions more play it every day. Valve's new…
Want to be part of a vampire army? You'll get your chance starting today as Nosgoth—the free-to-play multiplayer combat game set in The Legacy of Kain universe—goes into closed beta. Read more
Free To Play, the ominously-titled documentary about professional Dota 2 players, will be out on March 19, Valve…
After spending the better part of two years covering the mobile gaming beat for Kotaku, I found myself puzzled over…
When I first glanced at Loadout I mistakenly thought it was a Team Fortress 2 clone. (I'm sorry for judging you by…
Turn on the notifications on the video (for once), choose a tank, and march through the various World of Tanks…
Back in March of this year, Square Enix trademarked the name Lara Croft: Reflections. Some speculated it would be a…
An absolutely evil development for anyone who's been struggling over whether or not to spend $5-10 on a Cinder…