Because paper is awesome! Comic artist George Alexopoulos turns role-playing game Final Fantasy VII into adorable 2D…
The upcoming PC re-release of Final Fantasy VII will not use any sort of microtransaction-based system, publisher…
Yesterday, Square Enix confirmed that it will re-release Final Fantasy VII on PC at some point in the near future.
Following a month or two of rumors, Square Enix has confirmed that it will re-release Final Fantasy VII for PC. With…
D'wah. Now this is adowable. Baby Cloud Strife—hair, sword, and all. This photo was snapped by Jeriska at the recent…
While Square Enix still hems and haws over a Final Fantasy VII remake, cosplayers continue to don the duds of the…
Another day, another request for a Final Fantasy VII remake. The game was released in early 1997, and there are…
Boy, Link, you've really let yourself go. You too, Sonic, Cloud, and well, everyone sitting here, playing video…
Cloud Strife has it tough. Not only does he have to help prevent the end of the world, he's got to do it while…
In case you were worried that the Vita couldn't handle your PSOne Classics version of Final Fantasy VII or…
Sony will bring its PS1 Classics service to Vita this summer, it said today at its press conference.
Not for Square Enix. Final Fantasy VII character designer and current Square Enix bigwig Tetsuya Nomura spoke with…
One of the greatest things about PC gaming is the ability to modify games. Since Doom, fan-made sprites, levels,…
I was 21 years old the first time I heard the word "soapland" and upon finding out exactly what one was, I reacted…
From Shinra HQ to Wall Market, it's all there. Final Fantasy VII's capital city of Midgar. In its entirety.
Your Final Fantasy VII experience begins with its haunting score, and your Tuesday is about to begin with this A…
Do you have problems pronouncing the people, places, and things of Final Fantasy VII? Just follow this simple…
Don't let that long hair and fine features fool you; Final Fantasy VII's Sephiroth is definitely a dude. Crystal…
As if the Reapers, the Geth and a twisted web of intergalactic political intrigue weren't enough to deal with,…