Sony won’t renew its sponsorship deal with FIFA, citing rising costs. However, the company is among a number voicing


Here are Özil and Thomas Müller, two stars of Germany's national soccer team, acting weird in FIFA. This time their body parts are not glitching through the 5th they're just trying to impress each other. Read more

Sebastien Enrique is the lead producer on the PS4 and Xbox One versions of FIFA 15. He’s been at EA Sports since FIFA


How to make soccer more appealing in the U.S.? ESPN's Keith Olbermann has seven suggestions. The last one? Appeal to kids who love soccer video games. "Baseball doesn't even have the right video game," he says. And soccer does. OK? Jump to 5:50 in the video here for more. Read more

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FIFA 15's new E3 trailer really shows off the dramatic side of soccer. The game, complete with an all-new and prettied-up engine, improved physics, and smarter player AI, will come to Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, PS4 and PC on September 23.
