Recent Persona games have become cult hits thanks largely to their gameplay framework — traditional Japanese RPG…
A storewide liquidation always summons one's buzzard instinct. One imagines the goods strewn about like carrion on…
News of game developers slashing thousands of jobs this week and shutting down studios, seems to dispute the notion…
What did Rock Band gamers play most, after Rock Band? Jon Radoff wasn’t asked, officially, but he figured his…
Welcome to the Family is a series of three letters that will run this week from the heads of Microsoft, Sony and…
Believe it or not, you can play games with other people. Like people in the same room as you.
These are such things as dreams are made on, the colorful concepts of dying developers, the universes that will…
Welcome to the Family is a series of three letters that will run this week from the heads of Microsoft, Sony and…
Times are tough, money is tight, and new consoles & games are expensive. But older consoles and games? Much cheaper,…
Welcome to the Family is a series of three letters that will run this week from the heads of Microsoft, Sony and…
Nintendo's apparent ability to meet demand this holiday season seems to have flattened the turbulent Wii grey…
Like most stories, this starts with a girl. Rather, this starts with a boy chasing a girl — to Hong Kong. The boy…
Ever since PlayStation Home was first announced in January 2007, people have been calling it Second Life for the…
It's the New Year, and that means it's time for resolutions. You know, drop some weight, quit smoking, get…
The thing about goals, they must be measurable, and they must be achievable. That's how I justify going after some…
G-Unit's Lloyd Banks and Tony Yayo, like group mate 50 Cent, aren't your traditional celebrity turned video game…
It's been crammed down our throats for years now. Current-generation games development is expensive. So expensive…
While some console manufacturers may have claimed that 2008 was going to be their year, the past twelve months may…
The build-up is huge. The expectations high. Everything runs at fever pitch. That's right, game launches are big…