China has ripped off electronics. It's ripped off video games. It's ripped off Conan O'Brien. And now, apparently,…
The photo was snapped in Tokyo's hipster neighborhood Harajuku. I haven't seen anyone dressed like this in Japan…
Or if not warm, then at least fashionable.
Don't just play Saints Row: The Third this November, wear Saints Row: The Third all over your person with the…
Much as I automatically deny it, video games have influenced every element of my life in some way.
Purveyors of fine video game t-shirts, Meat Bun Heavy Industries, are back with an all-new line of clothing. And by…
What do Lady Gaga and CCP Games, maker of massively multiplayer online role-playing game EVE Online, have in…
Is this the best summer for video game-themed socks... ever? It's looking that way, now that J!NX has released…
Creating a memorable shirt design can be difficult, but this one will stick with me for a long time. Whether I want…
The fashionistas at fashion site Fashionary have come up with a range of 8-bit fashions based on their favourite…
Honey, if I bought this for you, would you wear it for me? This Game Boy-themed tube dress costs about as much as…
For the glasses wearer looking to lower the resolution of their frames, designer Dzmitry Samal offers pairs of…
Remember Matt Parson's 'Portalmon' mash-up design? For the next 48 hours, you can now buy it as a lovely t-shirt for…
I've never worn a pair of prototype pants before. But Betabrand, the San Francisco-based company who makes sweatshirt…
Kayo Satoh, aka “Kayo Police”, is one of Japan’s most talented Street Fighter players. She’s also a popular fashion…
The manufacturers of this $15 have simply called it "VolTRON", which I suppose makes more sense than my first…
Joel: I honestly cannot see what makes this Converse watch "Video game-inspired"
Fahey: Well it's…
European clothing giant TopShop ran a little test in a Moscow store recently: hook a Kinect camera up to a mirror…
If I were a fashion critic present when designer Kunihiko Morinaga debuted his fall/winter 2011/2012 fashion line,…
The hottest thing about the new look for SSX snowboarding queen Elise Riggs' redesign is the fact that she actually…