From the FarmVille toolbar to a virtual pet that runs on your browser bar, Conduit's Ltd. is helping gamers connect…
What a way to start the morning, with news that a Bulgarian city official has been sacked for milking a virtual cow…
With all of those multi-colored bales of hay in Farmville why aren't more people doing this?
With around 82 million players worldwide, odds are at some point you're going to be playing the hit Facebook game,…
Are you addicted to leveling up in Facebook games like Mafia Wars and Farmville? Jakob Skjerning cures that craving…
Zynga's Bill Mooney obtained the 2010 Game Developer's Choice Award for Farmville in the Best Social/Online Game…
It's a terrible thought to ponder. But it could explain why other people play video games you are certain stink:…
People keep Tweeting and e-mailing... did you see this speech? Yes, I saw it. This is today's must-watch about the…
I don't completely disagree with everything Dr. Phil says for once. Confronting a Farmville-obsessed mom in danger…
Games on Facebook have joined the relief cause for Haiti, with Zynga's FarmVille, Mafia Wars and Zynga Poker…