It takes balls to announce a new space shooter MMO in the same year as Bungie’s Destiny is due to appear, but if…
Fun, beautiful and stunningly immersive, EVE Valkyrie could be virtual reality’s Wii Sports moment.
Earlier this year, CCP Games announced that it would be building a monument to the players of EVE Online, to…
Meet Andrew Groen. He's a veteran freelance reporter who's written for the likes of Wired and Ars Technica, and now…
Ten of the guys who work on EVE Online, along with some "special guests", are going to fight Iceland's Gunnar…
In 2006, Icelandic EVE Online developer CCP Games merged with White Wolf Publishing, announcing a massively…
As I strapped on an Oculus Rift and the looming enormity of EVE Valkyrie's space engulfed me, I realized something…
One giant, horrifically expensive space ship destroying another, while its crew erupts in gleeful laughter. Yep,…
War! What is it good for? Mainstream media attention and a massive influx of fresh pilots to the ever-growing…
One week after declaring they will build an in-game memorial to the ships lost at the colossal Battle of B-R5RB, Eve…
Ah, there you are. I was wondering when EVE Online's insane space battle would catch the attention of Next Media…
EVE Online will erect a memorial to the 21-hour, all-out space battle that spanned Monday and Tuesday, commemorating…
Yesterday's humongous space battle in EVE Online—by far the largest in the 10-year history of the spacefaring MMO—is…
One week after this monstrous galactic throwdown in EVE Online, the sci-fi MMO is the scene of another humongous…
What you see in that image is a Doomsday weapon, a superlaser that can only be fired from a Titan, the largest and…
Does this count as government aid? Because EVE Online has an actual ruling body that meets in Iceland IRL. The game's publisher is asking players to donate Pilot License Extensions (PLEX) to fund relief to the Phillippines as it recovers from Typhoon Haiyan, and will match $15 to each donation, up to $75,000.
Whenever someone is bullied - or just plain trolled - on the internet there's a tendency to focus solely on the…
This isn't even a trailer for a game. It's a pitch to sell some EVE Online merch. And while it doesn't make me want…
EVE Online is known for being a video game universe where players come first. Their alliances, decisions and…
EVE Online is a big, big game about big, big ships. The ships are bigger than even the biggest competing sci-fi…