When Disney Epic Mickey hits the Wii next fall it won't rely on the console's latest technology to deliver its…
In this week's episode of Kotaku Talk Radio we'll be talking about Epic Mickey, Modern Warfare 2, Gay Tony and…
Game Informer's keeping a steady stream of Epic Mickey articles coming between its November 2009 reveal issue and…
Since Warren Spector's new Disney game is a Wii exclusive, you'll have to imagine this official character sketch as…
Any lingering doubts that Warren Spector's new Disney game Epic Mickey was bound for the Wii? Didn't think so. But…
It should come as little surprise that Warren Spector and his Junction Point development studio have been working on…
Normally, we wouldn't pick at the edges of such a translucent title, but this one's super-interesting, so we're…
So it looks like Warren Spector's Junction Point Studios are working on a Disney game code-named "Epic Mickey". The…
Game designer Warren Spector, of Thief, Deus Ex and System Shock fame, may have a new muse in Mickey Mouse. A report…