The season six finale of Game of Thrones was one of the strongest hours in television history, a relentless episode…
In the wake of that BATSHIT season finale of Game of Thrones, join me and Kirk for a bonus episode of Kotaku…
Jason and I aren’t the only ones complaining that Overwatch’s turret-builder Torbjörn is frustratingly overpowered.…
Say goodbye to one-tile cities. The newest Civilization game is totally overhauling the city system from previous…
If you’ve got a piggy bank, kiss it goodbye. If you don’t, I guess stare deeply and lovingly into the imagined eyes…
The new Fallout 4 Contraptions Workshop DLC just dropped today, and people have been quick to put it to good use.…
After Sunday’s episode of Game of Thrones, I think it is safe to say that Jon Snow got the play of the game, eh? (Spo…
As has become annual tradition, I sat down with Bungie at E3 last week for a frank discussion about the state of Dest…
The most famous mod for both Fallout and Skyrim has to be Caliente’s Beautiful Bodies Enhancer (CBBE), the…
Overwatch’s ranked mode will hit sometime later this summer, and it will be pretty different from what was in the…
YouTube’s biggest star is infamous for screaming over footage of video games, and while he makes some good money…
The next Zelda game isn’t out yet, but eagle-eyed players are already finding all sorts of cool easter eggs.
So far, we’ve only seen a small slice of the newest Zelda game—but that’s enough to get some fans speculating wildly.
Of all the games at this year’s E3, Gravity Rush 2 might be the one I’m most excited for.
One of the biggest complaints fans had about Fallout 4 was that most of the time, the game only let you be a good…
Last night, a Resident Evil 7 teaser was uploaded as a free demo on PSN. The whole thing lasts maybe 20 minutes,…
Throughout the morning and afternoon, Nintendo folks have been demoing their new open-world Zelda game, Breath of…
Nintendo today revealed a bunch of new information on their next Zelda game, due to come out on NX and Wii U next…
Nintendo’s Treehouse livestream event this year kicked off with new Pokémon Sun and Moon gameplay, and so far, it’s…
If you viewed the bizarre teaser for Death Stranding and immediately thought, “what the hell did I just watch,” the…