If you search Miiverse for “New Super Luigi U,” nothing comes up. My theory is that Nintendo is too embarrassed to…
The Last Guardian, a video game best known for never actually coming out, got yet another delay today. It’ll now hit…
The planets in No Man’s Sky are supposed to be, well, planet-sized. Most players will only see a small percentage of…
Jason Lewis, a senior environment artist for Obsidian Entertainment, started a personal project earlier this year…
Earlier this year, Bethesda announced plans to allow mods for Fallout 4 and the upcoming Skyrim remaster on PS4 and…
A new trailer for Pokémon Sun and Moon dropped today, and while it was mostly uninteresting footage, for a split…
Meet the Neo, officially called PlayStation 4 Pro. It’s a more powerful PS4 that will support 4K and HDR. It’ll cost…
The next PlayStation 4 model, code-named Neo, will be revealed this afternoon in New York City. Let’s watch!
Mario is officially coming to the iPhone. Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto made a surprise appearance at today’s Apple…
So you’ve listened to Kotaku Splitscreen and are wondering just what the hell this “Trails” thing is and why you…
You’ve gotta wonder how much it cost to make Noctis’s hair. I mean, look at it. It’s a tangled black crown of spikes…
Sometimes, Pokémon Go borks everything up and displays different monsters merging with one another. One artist is…
If you’re debating which Pokémon game to pick up later this year, developers Game Freak just highlighted one of the…
While it has been rumored for a while now thanks to data miners, Niantic finally acknowledged an upcoming feature…
The Silver Shroud costume was one of the best gags in Fallout 4, and Bethesda has been keen to keep the joke going…
By now you probably know about Pokémon Sun and Moon’s preorder bonus, which gives you access to a Snorlax with a…
Over the last couple of weeks, No Man’s Sky players have discovered a number of monoliths scattered across the…
Yesterday, popular YouTuber Philip DeFranco uploaded a video where he claimed that YouTube was ‘shutting down’ his…
Francis Travers spent has spent over 650 hours creating, and then trying to beat, a single level in Mario Maker.…
GTA players have chased bigfoot, hunted for jetpacks, stared at a face in a mountainside, and, at one point, tried…