Super Mario Odyssey is a wild, ambitious game. It’s got secrets, dinosaurs, and the type of flawless jumping you’d…
Nintendo made a bunch of hopes and dreams come true today at E3. After a seemingly endless wait, they finally…
It was a happy inevitability: Rocket League’s weird and wonderful car soccer is coming to the Nintendo Switch this…
Nintendo announced a new Kirby for the Switch, coming next year. Yes, it’s just called Kirby.
It’s time for the final press conference of E3 2017, and as always, it’s Nintendo, coming in with a 25-minute…
I think it’s safe to say that Michel Ancel has been through some shit when it comes to Beyond Good & Evil.
Snowboarding game Alto’s Adventure showed us the artful side of the endless runner. Follow-up Alto’s Odyssey, due…
Jason and I continue our Kotaku Splitscreen E3 2017 coverage discussing press conferences from Sony, Bethesda, and…
Ace Combat 7, originally due this year but now out in 2018, has an E3 trailer. This is exactly the kind of game PlayStation VR was made for.
No, this isn’t a Redwall tie-in, but nobody is going to stop you from pretending. This is Moss, an adventure game coming to PlayStation VR.
Gran Turismo Sport is going to be out on the PS4 in Fall 2017, according to this E3 trailer for the racing game.
Sony just wrapped their E3 2017 press conference, where Insomniac’s Spider-Man almost managed to distract from the…
Insomniac’s Spider-Man, first shown at last year’s E3 (and which despite the timing has nothing to do with the new…
Kratos is back (again), and yes, he’s still half-god, half-beard, all-dad.
The long-dreamt dream of virtual reality was leading to this: Monster of the Deep: Final Fantasy XV. It’s a first-person fishing game starring the bros from FFXV. Because the game title “Ridiculous Fishing” was already taken.
Did you want another way to play Skyrim? If so, lucky you, because it’s coming to PlayStation VR, Sony announced at E3 tonight.
Sony has announced a story demo for the upcoming Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite will go live today. The tag-team fighting game’s story mode was shown off at tonight E3 presser, and featured a few unannounced additions to the cast.
Big swords. Large monsters. Carving blades. Even bigger swords than those other swords. It can only be one thing:…
“Oh shit that’s a lot of zombies” game Days Gone caused a stir last year, but made like days and became gone shortly…
Not content with one HD re-release, Team Ico’s classic Shadow of the Colossus is now making its way to another PlaySt…