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Nintendo announced a new Kirby for the Switch, coming next year. Yes, it’s just called Kirby.

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No, this isn’t a Redwall tie-in, but nobody is going to stop you from pretending. This is Moss, an adventure game coming to PlayStation VR.

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Gran Turismo Sport is going to be out on the PS4 in Fall 2017, according to this E3 trailer for the racing game.

The long-dreamt dream of virtual reality was leading to this: Monster of the Deep: Final Fantasy XV. It’s a first-person fishing game starring the bros from FFXV. Because the game title “Ridiculous Fishing” was already taken.

Did you want another way to play Skyrim? If so, lucky you, because it’s coming to PlayStation VR, Sony announced at E3 tonight.

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Sony has announced a story demo for the upcoming Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite will go live today. The tag-team fighting game’s story mode was shown off at tonight E3 presser, and featured a few unannounced additions to the cast.
