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Today in sea shanties: These folks in pirate garb outside the Sea of Thieves booth at E3, as captured by Jason Schreier.

We’re three days into E3, and there’s still plenty to talk about. Final Fantasy XIV, for example. And Final Fantasy

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Dragon Quest VII: Fragments of the Forgotten Past will be out in North America on September 16. There’s a new trailer and everything! Dragon Quest theme music always makes me smile.

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The line to play Zelda: Breath of the Wild at E3 is apparently really, really, really, really, really, really, really long.

Box Box Boy, the sequel to one of the best 3DS games of 2015, will be available on the 3DS eShop on June 30. Costumes from the original game will carry over, so you’ve got until then to catch up. Check out our impressions of the Japanese release here.

Pokemon Go Plus, the Bluetooth accessory that will allow players of Nintendo’s augmented reality mobile game to capture Pokemon without looking at their phones, will be available towards the end of July for $34.99.
