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Today Microsoft announced some much-requested new features for Xbox Live including clubs for organizing with other players, an integrated looking for group tool, and an “Arena” system for multiplayer tournaments.

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Inside, Playdead’s follow-up to Limbo, hits Xbox One on June 29th and Steam on July 7th. They’re making Limbo free on Xbox One until June 20, and on Steam June 21-22. I’ve played the whole game and it is ridiculously good. More on that a little later, once this press conference madness dies down.

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Dontnod’s Vampyr has got its first trailer. If you were expecting an undead Life is Strange, well, bad news. If you were expecting a bloody vampire action game, well, good news!

The theaters are empty; the subwoofers have all gone still. How did EA and Bethesda do? Time to discuss, on a

It wasn’t actually mentioned on stage, but the intro to Bethesda’s E3 show contained a little hint at a new Wolfenstein game/thing called New Colossus.
