Coming in July from the Open Source Virtual Reality Consortium, the Hacker Development Kit 2 virtual reality headset matches the stats of the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive for only $399.
Co-founded and organized by hardware makers Razer and Sensics, OSVR is an open source virtual reality software platform that aims to set an open standard for virtual reality devices. With next month’s release of the HDK 2, that standard looks to line up with the two most popular pieces of PC VR hardware.
As you can see in the table below, the HDK 2 has the resolution, refresh rate, field of view and requirements of the Rift and Vive. It doesn’t come with controllers, but it can use any OSVR compatible hardware or standard game pad. It also features an image quality enhancer that promises to reduce the VR screen door effect, delivering less distortion.
Now all it needs is for everyone to support OSVR so we don’t even need the other two, or something like that.
“The HDK 2 allows us to meet the needs of VR fans and gamers and provide developers with affordable open-source hardware to innovate with,” Christopher Mitchel, OSVR said for Razer via official press release. “With the HDK 2 being able to deliver a visual experience on par with industry leaders, we will now be able to represent hardware agnostic VR media and games in all their glory for future headsets to adopt through the open source ecosystem.”
The HDK 2 will be available to demo at E3 2016 this week. You can read more about it (or buy one) at