Endless Ocean 2 is the sequel to Endless Ocean 1. Shocking, we know.
My first real introduction to Microsoft's motion-controlling Project Natal occurred in a brightly-lit hotel room in…
Game art? These aren't traditional screens, because WarioWare D.I.Y. isn't your typical game.
The Beatles: Rock Band has been playable at E3 this week. So, being fans of both The Beatles and Rock Band, we…
Ubisoft hadn't shown Splinter Cell Conviction to the public in two years but brought it back impressively this E3.…
Final Fantasy XIII is due in Japan later this year. And in North America during Spring, 2010. But when can Europeans…
Fitting the other team's cake-engorged princess into the giant PlayStation 3 was easy; how they've managed to cram…
It also starred, for a brief moment, an electric-blue Nintendo DSi. After belting out a number of songs, Bedingfield…
As we posted previously, Miyamoto said that the original plan was to "essentially create new variations of the…
These are the things we thought Sony would or should mention at their E3 2009 press conference, but didn't:
Well, Sony's E3 press conference is over. Let's take a look back, a walk down memory lane and review our Sony E3…
These are the things we thought Nintendo would mention yesterday at their E3 2009 press conference, but didn't:
Archery on Motion-Plus-enabled Wii Sports Resort is a surprisingly satisfying experience.
Heavy Rain will be released on the PS3 later this year.
Got to give it to Nintendo — this year's E3 press conference was better than last year's train wreck, don't cha…
Yes, yes, we were all hoping Miyamoto would surprise us with a follow-up to Twilight Princess — but in lieu of a new…
Sony has dated God of War III for the PlayStation 3. And Namco Bandai has announced that series star protagonist…
Click to view The Assassin's Creed 2 trailer from yesterday's press conference was short on the gameplay footage.…
Sequel to the Nintendo 64 shooter, Sin & Punishment 2 brings what the press release calls a "frantic arcade…