Reader Rezz Man (possibly not his real name) sent us a link to a YouTube video showing off two hidden Duke Nukem…
Here's here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and he's all out of gum! Duke Nukem makes his triumphant return to the…
3D Realms have released a trailer for the timey-wimey-rewindey XBLA port of Duke Nukem 3D. If you missed the news,…
Tucked away in Gametrailers TV's latest episode: The announcement that Duke Nukem 3D hits Xbox Live Arcade on Sept.…
In Friday's post about the Duke Nukem 3D XBLA port, we were pleased about the video sharing feature, but a bit…
The XBLA port of Duke Nukem 3D is to include some new features intended to spice up the classic run 'n' gun 'n'…
Duke Nukem 3D for Xbox LIVE Arcade dated! Well, roughly. Xbox rep Jason Ing tells game site Joysitq that the 3D…
There is a new Duke Nukem Game! No, sorry, not that one!
Rumored and then confirmed earlier this year, Duke Nukem 3D is making its way to the Xbox Live Arcade this year, but…