The XBLA port of Duke Nukem 3D is to include some new features intended to spice up the classic run 'n' gun 'n' make-sexist-pun gameplay.
First up is the ability to record and share video clips of multiplayer games and share them with other players via Live. This is, frankly, genius - multiplayer was always Duke 3D's ace in the hole and the ability to record your friend's humiliation for posterity is an excellent idea.
Secondly — and slightly bafflingly — the single player elements of the game will incorporate a 'time rewinding' mechanic that we assume will be like that found in Prince Of Persia - Sands Of Time or perhaps Braid. Whether this is intended to make the game a bit easier or just to allow you to replay a particularly explody battle is unclear. It sounds a bit unnecessary, but perhaps it will all make sense when we actually see it.
Duke Nukem 3D to feature saved films and rewind feature [Xboxic]