There can never be enough Chrono Trigger fan-art, and it's always refreshing to see something new out there. Here's three fantastic paintings, with three memorable moments recreated from the classic JRPG, made by artist Orioto. You can also buy these as prints here. Read more

These Pokémon, made by the digital artists of iheartjlp, look really dark and make me feel they're from a not-so-shiny alternate universe rather than from one of the well-known regions. The Jigglypuff on the top right, for example, looks quite serious. Read more

Whoa, Mega Charizard Y and male protagonist Calem from Pokemon X & Y just got a hundred percent more realistic and detailed thanks to the talented deviantART artist Charlie Romeo. So much so that at first it seems more like Monster Hunter or Final Fantasy fan art, and not something inspired by a Nintendo 3DS game. Read more

Five years after its Western release, Advance Wars: Days of Ruin is finally hitting Japan—as a Club Nintendo Platinum Reward. The game was previously delayed several times in Japan and then cancelled.
