The last Doom movie was released in 2005, which should be enough time for viewers to erase the dreadful picture…
Here, folks, is gaming on the original handheld - a calculator. While you're still snickering over spelling out…
This week the sun shot off a massive class X solar flare. Its effects on radio broadcasts, electronics, and power…
I doubt even Johns Carmack and Romero sport a Doom collection quite as complete as this man's shrine to that…
After 37 years of broadcasting assorted human garbage to the universe at large, scientists are working on a…
This stop-motion video starts off innocently enough, but soon the cute Street Fighter homage and sneaker-based…
With more than 50 classic Mega Man weapons represented, upcoming fan made game Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch has…
In game after game, there they are: guns. Weapons are a common trope. They are a catalyst for action and an…
It may seem ghoulish to the outsider. It will seem essential to the gamer. One of the most popular things to do in…
Discovery Channel host Bear Grylls does not appear to be familiar with Super Mario Bros., Half-Life, Ghost 'N…
Doom was released in 1993, so most guns in the game that didn't have the word fucking in the middle of them are…
Doom co-creator John Carmack also helps create rockets. At QuakeCon 2010 in Dallas, Carmack was displaying his…
We really thought that id Software would give us an update on Doom 4 at this year's QuakeCon. After all, id CEO Todd…
It's time to liveblog the QuakeCon 2010 keynote, everyone! What will id (and Bethesda) talk about?
You may know John Carmack, co-founder of id Software and lead programmer of Doom, keeps busy building space rockets…
John Romero haunts game developer id Software. Yes, he co-founded the studio and thus more than earned his place in…
More than 17 years after it was released, more than a decade after I was first paid to write about video games, I…
It's a week until QuakeCon, one week until John Carmack's keynote (which turned into a three-hour liveblog on an…
Summertime is more than beaches and barbecues. It's also when Hollywood releases some of its biggest motion…
He's faced off against gods, giants, and serpents so large they wrap around the entire planet, but even the mighty…