To become a member of DC Comic's Green Lantern Corps, a being must be willful beyond imagining and fearless to a…
D.C. Universe Online has launched something called the "DCUO Marketplace," and while its shelves are pretty bare,…
New comics arrive in comics shops every Wednesday. New and old ones hit online comics apps on Wednesdays, too. After…
New comics show up in comics stores (and on many of your favorite portable devices) every Wednesday. But which ones…
There are new comics in comic books shops every Wednesday, plus new ones on the iPad and other portable devices with…
Sony Online Entertainment, the publisher of PC MMO titles also shut down by April's massive cyberattack on the…
As the custodians of games that are completely unplayable during Sony's massive network outage, Sony Online…
John Blakely, a nine-year veteran of Sony Online Entertainment and most recently its vice president of development,…
Wednesday is new comics day in North America. This is a good thing. This Wednesday is not chock-full of cool comics.…
Sony's security problems continue to mount, as Sony Online Entertainment reveals that the personal information of…
The extended outage currently afflicting the PlayStation Network isn't just stopping people playing Call of Duty and…
Commenter ValeriaHeart is looking for suggestions for a massively-multiplayer online role-playing game to play with…
Wednesday is new comics day in North America. As always, I have recommendations. Plus, this week, there is a pile of…
This is a week for Marvel to shine in comics shops, if their new epic can live up to the hype. Plus, there's a…
Sony Online Entertainment, makers of D.C. Universe Online and Free Realms, closed three studios and will lay off…
Two months after the MMO's release, D.C. Universe Online will get a digital download version over PlayStation…
Even a comic book-based video game requires a little suspension of disbelief. Take the Batcave Inner Sanctum group…
I was adjusting my costume atop a skyscraper in Gotham City when a tour bus soared up into view and hovered there.…
Between the action, the lives of superheroes make comic books, for better or worse, suitable to the MMO genre. It's…
DC Comics's sculpture division makes a lot of statues, some of them of video games characters, some of them of…